Lewis escalates his desperate campaign as the story unfolds from a number of vantage points, including that of our old police buddy Brett Mahoney! Pete and Matt contemplate episode 110, “Virtue of the Vicious.”
A forlorn Frank Castle is in police custody, but it’s up to Karen Page, formerly of the New York Bulletin and back with the law firm of Nelson & Murdock, to clear his name. From the bad news department, things just keep getting worse for John Pilgrim. Matt and Pete stare into episode 211 “The Abyss.” Thanks as always to everyone who supports the podcast by visiting Patreon.com/PhantasticGeek . Share your feedback by emailing PhantasticGeek@gmail.com, commenting at PhantasticGeek.com , or tweeting @ PhantasticGeek . MP3 iTunes
As Madani and Krista debate who's worth saving, Frank prepares to storm Russo's territory. However, a brutal encounter pushes Pilgrim back into old habits. Pete and Matt enter the debate for episode 210, "The Dark Hearts of Men." Thanks as always to everyone who supports the podcast by visiting Patreon.com/PhantasticGeek . Share your feedback by emailing PhantasticGeek@gmail.com, commenting at PhantasticGeek.com , or tweeting @ PhantasticGeek . MP3 iTunes
Frank has David Schultz and his billionaire parents want him back. But a Pilgrim will have something to say about that. Billy’s still in play as well. Matt and Pete get swept up in episode 213 “The Whirlwind.” Thanks as always to everyone who supports the podcast by visiting Patreon.com/PhantasticGeek . Share your feedback for Star Trek: Discovery by emailing PhantasticGeek@gmail.com, commenting at PhantasticGeek.com , or tweeting @ PhantasticGeek . MP3 iTunes
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